Publicado há 4 years • 2 min de leituramin reading

Together for ZN


The Baumgart Group, through the Center Norte and Vedacit Institutes, is mobilizing the northern area to raise funds for the benefit of local communities. The Juntos Pela ZN campaign against Covid-19 aims to raise R $ 2.5 million for the purchase of food, hygiene and cleaning products for people in socially vulnerable situations, as well as PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) for health professionals, who will be donated to the three largest public hospitals in the region.

With more than 2,100,000 inhabitants, the northern zone concentrates the neighborhoods with the highest number of deaths in the capital of São Paulo. In the city of São Paulo, there are more than 28 thousand confirmed cases and 5,018 deaths (between confirmed and suspected).

In this moment of vulnerability, acting with collaboration is the keyword to help the greatest number of people. The union of the entire region – companies, local businesses, shopping malls, residents and everyone who works in the surroundings – will be essential to support more than 3,800, that is, more than 15 thousand people, over 3 months, in the neighborhoods Vila Guilherme, Brasilândia , Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, Tremembé and Jaçanã, and 3,000 health professionals from three hospitals in the region.

Any contribution is welcome. Donations can be made through the website:, where employees will be able to monitor the amount being collected and the actions carried out, as well as which communities are being benefited.

It is worth mentioning that, to date, more than 12,100 people in 45 communities have received assistance. The initiatives of the Baumgart Group are in addition to those carried out by partners, such as Sebrae.

Movement #FamilySupportFamily

Since the beginning of April, the Center Norte Institute has joined the Movement # FamliaApoiaFamiília in a fundraising campaign to help five NGOs in the north of São Paulo: Grow – Instituto Espaço Vida, Instituto Edizando, PAC – Projeto Amigo das das Children, Solid Rock Brasil and Instituto Resgatando Vidas (NGO accelerated by Gerando Falcões). You can also collaborate by visiting here.

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